The movement starts on 2 January 2021. Demonstrators took to the streets in Janaozen to protest against rising gas and fuel prices. In the following days, the demonstrations grew and spread throughout the country. Riots took place in several large cities (burning of official buildings, clashes with the police).
In response, a state of emergency is declared in the capital (Nursultan) and the government resigns. The president speaks of a return of the gas price ceiling in order to restore calm. The Internet is cut off throughout the country for several days, making it difficult to circulate information. CSTO members send soldiers to reinforce the Kazakh government on 6 January.
The Kazakh President called the demonstrators “terrorists” and on 7 January the security forces were given permission to fire live ammunition at the demonstrators. Many cases of torture were reported.
The repression is so strong that the movement loses momentum from 10 January.

At the request of the Kazakh president, the “Collective Security Treaty Organization” (composed of Russia, Tajikistan, Armenia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan) is sending 2,030 troops to provide military support to the Kazakh government to deal with the revolt. The troops withdraw on 11 January.
The Kyrgyz government refused to allow its troops to attack Kazakh citizens and said its soldiers would be assigned only to protect strategic buildings.
The Chinese government states that there is no need for foreign intervention and reaffirms its confidence in the Kazakh government’s management of the crisis.
Injured : 4500 demonstrators (including 2600 hospitalized) and 750 security forces
Arrested : ~ 10 000
Deaths : 225 demonstrators and 19 security forces

Last update : 25/03/2022
